Puerto Rico International Salt Corporation is a firm dedicated to distribute salt products throughout the Island of Puerto Rico since 1986. Our intention is to supply our products according to your specifications and requirements. Deliveries will be, as your needs including weekends and holidays.
Puerto Rico International Salt Corporation is a company registered in the Department of State since 1986, under the laws of the Government of Puerto Rico. We are a Puerto Rican company dedicated to the purchase, sale and distribution of salt products. Our office is located in 203 West Mendez Vigo Street in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. We provide service to all the Island. We provide service to 80% of the pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries in all Puerto Rico. We guarantee the service of excellence that has characterized us since 1986. Puerto Rico International Salt Corporation was awarded with the XVII International Trophy of Quality in October 19, 1992 in Miami, Florida.
Our mission is to be the supplier of choice to the salt using industry. We are committed to providing quality service to our customers. Our employees are dedicated and skilled for maximum customer satisfaction and success.
Salt’s ability to preserve food was a foundation of civilization. It eliminated the dependence on the seasonal availability of food and it allowed travel over long distances. It was also a desirable food seasoning. However, salt was difficult to obtain, and so it was a high valued trade item, which followed the pull of economics along salt roads such as the via Salaria in Italy, some of which had been established in the Bronze age. Until the twentieth century, salt was one of the prime mover of national economics and wars.
While we are all familiar with the many uses of salt in cooking, we may not be aware that salt is used in some 14,000 commercial applications. Salt plays an essential role in our daily lives. Life itself would be impossible without it, since the human body requires salt in order to function properly.
Solar salt is the natural product of seawater, sunshine and wind. The process begins as seawater flows by wave and tidal action into the Pekelmeer (salt lake) and then is pumped into condenser ponds. Just before full saturation is reached, the brine is pumped into the crystallizers, which are flooded periodically to maintain a constant level of brine. It remains in the crystallizers under constant evaporation where it is continuously crystalizing to the point when it can be harvested. The solar salt in each crystallizer is harvested about once a year with specially designed equipment loaded into trucks and transported to a wash plant. The salt is then slurred with brine and cascaded over curved grates to remove impurities. After washing, it is conveyed to a double-wind stacker and windrowed onto long stockpiles where it drains and dries for at least several months. Finally, at 2,000 tons an hours, the salt is loaded by conveyor belt onto ships and Caribbean for chemical, industrial, water softening and ice control applications.
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